Land at Hordle Lane
Our plans for Hordle Lane
We worked up an outline application and consulted to hear your views.
Taking account of feedback received on the detailed application which we submitted in 2022, we decided on a new approach to the scheme which delivers the open space within the vicinity of the site, rather than in existing woodland. We therefore withdrew the previous application and prepared a new outline application.
We submitted our new application, 23/10661 in June 2023 which incorporates generous and well connected provision for walking and cycling to benefit the existing Hordle community, as well as the residents who move into our scheme.
Concept masterplan
Our previous plans were for a full application (ref 22/10577) with all details provided. Our fresh approach sought to establish an outline application which sets out the access, location for the allotments, and the Area of Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG), before we then work up the remaining details in a reserved matters application.
Key aspects of our new proposals:
At least 155 new homes with 50% being affordable homes. A broad mix of sizes, types and ownership options to meet local needs
The Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace moved from the woodland near Stopples Lane to land east of Hordle Lane
15 allotments with a mixture of full and half sized plots, with associated parking
Revised access including new footway connecting to Nursery Close’s footway
Traffic calming measures with gateway feature and prioritisation of pedestrians
New Forest District Council adopted a new Local Plan in July 2020. This determines where housing will be built across the council area until 2036, with 10,420 homes needed over the Local Plan period. Allocating homes through the Local Plan allows the council, service providers and others to ensure that supporting services for new residents are built into long term plans for new homes, meaning that developments will be sustainable for the future.
The Village of Hordle sits between New Milton to the west, Lymington to the east and south west of the New Forest National Park. Hordle itself comprises two parts, each located to the north and south of Green Belt.
Land at Hordle Lane has been identified within the New Forest District Plan 2016-2036 as Strategic Site 8. Our proposals are for the portion of the allocation to the west of Hordle Lane, shown with a red outline superimposed from NFDC’s Site Allocation Plan.
The proposed access now includes a new footway from the site access to the north, connecting to the footway from Nursery Close. This will use the existing verge with a pedestrian crossing at the Nursery Close junction with dropped kerbs and tactile paving. A new footway will then continue from Nursery Close, north tying into the existing footway and footpath on Hordle Lane.
A gateway feature and priority working section to the north of the access will calm traffic and help to reduce speeds, prioritising pedestrians over traffic. Further discussion shall be had with Hampshire County Council regarding a wider road safety and parking improvements in the vicinity of the Church and school at school drop off and pick up. A parking survey of this area was carried out in December 2022 and March 2023 to determine the existing baseline.
Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG)
In our previous plans the ANRG had been situated within woodland north of Stopples Lane and was considered by New Forest District Council to be remote from the site. In response to feedback we have relocated the ANRG to the east of Hordle Lane.
Alternative Natural Recreation Greenspace (ANRG) plan
Proposed timeline
Following this consultation, we intend to submit an outline application in May 2023. Following a successful planning permission we shall consult further and work up details for a reserved matters application which would set out the precise layout, landscaping, appearance and scale of the development.
Let us know your feedback
Please let us know your thoughts by completing our feedback form.
If you have any questions about our new proposals, please get in touch:
Call us on: 0800 148 8911
Email us at:
Write to us at: Freepost, MEETING PLACE CONSULTATION